Color by Numbers
Printable Coloring Pages. Online Games. Educational Apps for Kids.

Color by Numbers - a simple way for children to learn numbers

Learning Numbers

Play is a huge part of the life of any small child. By playing, children perceive the world around them. Games help to draw children's attention to objects that would usually be uninteresting or hard to concentrate on. But a child's need to play can be put to the service of learning too! Generally, the hardest subject for preschool-age children is math. The most convenient way of cultivating interest in learning numbers is through a game that makes the learning process more engaging.

Color-by-numbers drawings help to learn numbers quickly and easily — as well as keeping your kid interested and happy. Your kiddo isn't just playing when they color in a picture, but learning to concentrate on memorizing the identical numbers. Our program gives hints to help them through the first steps. If your child tries to color in a picture with the wrong-numbered color, the program won't allow that, instead hinting at which paint bottle number to choose. So your child won't be upset, even if it takes a long time to find the right number, and the picture is always colored in correctly.

When your kid masters all of the numbers, you can reinforce their progress. Test their knowledge with the program’s color-by-numbers expert mode!

Learning Numbers for Children
Learning Numbers for Kids

If your child gets tired of coloring by numbers, you can easily switch the program to simple mode, where no numbers are used. Your kid can just have a good time, coloring cheerful pictures in their favorite colors! As you can see, these colors have been carefully adapted for young children.

Games for Preschoolers

When they color with us, children enter the world of mathematics through entertaining games — and learning is neither difficult nor boring.

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